There is a simple way to make a timber building comply with the caravan act. This is to build it onto a moveable "mobile home chassis". This sounds quite simple, which it is if done correctly. We can build any of our timber buildings onto any of the chassis below. We actually build them on site which saves a lot on haulage fees. Also it means that access etc isn't an issue either. There is nothing in law to prevent the "caravan" being built on site. You just need to prove that they are moveable in 1 or 2 sections after construction. This could be on wheels or it could be by lifting the sections onto a lorry using a crane. The building doesn't have to have wheels to comply with The Caravan Act.
Mobile home chassis options
We offer 3 different types of steel chassis to cover any eventuality. Not every site has nice wide access. Nor a roadway to the site where the chassis or mobile home needs to be. It's not just the width of the chassis that could be a problem when accessing the property. The length can also be an issue. It is not always possible to get a straight through run at the entrance gates. Given that the delivering lorry could be 18m long or or longer. The chassis may well overhang the rear, and there are very few entrances that have that long a clear run up to the gates. Whatever site you have, we have the solution!
Pre-fabricated twin wheeled mobile home chassis with drawbar and corner jack legs

This is the more traditional chassis that most caravans, park homes or mobile homes have. It has a basic steel frame with a tow point and twin axles. Although it does have wheels, these are purely to move the building around on private land. They do not have suspension and are not road legal. We list various sizes on our website but we can make them to any size.
"Knock-down" mobile home wheeled chassis kit - bolt together on-site, ideal for difficult access sites

The traditional chassis is generally the one that people think are available. Hortons can offer more variation. The prefabricated chassis are great apart from if access is tight or if the ground is not good. They can easily bog down and make a complete mess whilst trying to get them onto the plot. Delivery of the knock-down chassis is in bite-size parts which then bolt together on site. This type of chassis still has a tow point and twin axles and so fully complies with the Caravan Act. Obviously some parts are relatively heavy and long, but they are not wide. This means that access isn't a problem. Nor an extremely muddy field (for instance) where it and the towing vehicle may bog down until the ground dries out. You just need a hard, flat and level hard-standing and you're fine wherever that happens to be!
Bolt together "all terrain" steel and timber chassis kit with lifting eyes

Generally, the options above require a very level plot. This may involve a lot of extra, and possibly unnecessary groundwork. We have a 3rd option - our "all terrain" chassis. This has this name because it can be built onto our concrete block plinth system. Thus, there is no need to dig out the high side of the plot in order to have a totally level site. In contrast, we build up piers on the low side, leaving the ground "as is". The chassis in then constructed on top of these piers to form a level platform. Then it is just a case of building the timber building onto this level platform. This chassis has lifting eyes such that a crane can lift it onto a flat bed lorry. Therefore it is compliant with the caravan act.