Caravan Chassis, park home chassis and mobile home chassis
Standard caravan chassis
We offer 3 different types of chassis to suit all scenarios -
These are delivered as a fully constructed chassis, ready to be built upon.
Knock down wheeled chassis
If you have a restricted access to your site, then these are the perfect kit for you as they are delivered in small pieces which can be manually carried to the build site and then built up with just a few simple tools. Once built they are then a wheeled chassis.
All terrain chassis
Sometimes a wheeled chassis is not suitable for certain sites (if the ground has severe slopes where a lot of work would be required to level it at big expense for example). These chassis are built upon plinths which level the site. And then the chassis is built up in pieces upon the plinths or stilts). These steel and timber chassis do not have wheels, but still qualify to be within the caravan act as they have integral lifting eyes.