Scroll down to choose the options you require for your Online Quote:

Black hexagonal

Green hexagonal

Red hexagonal

Black square

Green square

Red square
Recycled rubber roofing slates (50 year manufacturers warranty)

Not required

Required for pent roof

Not required
Column corners - fully boxed in log ends
Fire protection coating Class B - s1,d0
Factory painting - timber is planed, not sanded before treatment is applied
Bundled discount paints deal! Big savings - save over 15%!
Cabin images on our website may also show optional extras (roof coverings, verandas etc). The paint colour images on our website may vary to the colour of treatment you purchase. You should try a sample pot first - paints & stains are non-returnable.
All surfaces (internal and external) of your log cabin must be painted with an appropriate timber treatment or sealer
Installation service for log cabins and timber buildings